Jennifer's client experience - Nanaimo boudoir

What made you choose Captured Essence photography for your recent session?

I originally saw an Ad on Facebook and the photo that was posted was stunning! It made me join the page and what I saw was stunning and I wanted to be part of it!! There was a contest being offered at the time, and I was a finalist but was not the lucky winner, but I was chosen shortly after for a boudie call.

What were you nervous about going into your session?

Finding outfits that fit my body, I did not use any of the client closet I bought my own and it was a struggle

What was your favorite part of this experience?


How do you feel now that you've completed your session?

I am in love with myself and my photo's and after I save up some $$ pay off some bills, all the fun adult things I will be hoping to book another session!!!

Would you recommend Captured Essence photography to others in the future?

Absolutely! I tell everyone I can about them!

What would you say to someone who is thinking about booking a session?

I would tell them to book a phone consult and that you guys are absolutely amazing and you will feel so comfortable!! And I would say it isn't; all about being partially naked/in lingerie you can be in whatever makes you comfortable and it will still be stunning and you will love every moment of the experience!

Is there anything else you would like to share?

You are amazing!! You have such talent and the photos you create are beautiful and the products you offer are better than I ever imagined !


Hair & Makeup


Nanaimo boudoir- Andrea's client experience