Candices client experience

Candice’s recent client experience

What made you choose Captured Essence photography for your recent session?

Wanting to support my friend and local. We also had done a photo shoot 10 years prior for a wedding night gift for my husband , and this was for our 10 year wedding anniversary gift

What were you nervous about going into your session?

My body ain’t feeling too comfortable. As well as what to wear and would look good.

What was your favorite part of this experience?

The good vibes and the fun we had thorough out the experience.

How do you feel now that you've completed your session? Very happy ! My images were stunning. My husband actually teared up when he perused through the album. The album had the original images from 10 years ago and I added the new images after.

Would you recommend Captured Essence photography to others in the future? I have been recommending Captured Essence since Brooke started her business and will continue to recommend her.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about booking a session?

Stop thinking of doing it. Just do it. You are worth it and won’’t regret it.


Catherine's client experience


To the beach